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Ratio: Span Tech

This item is a gravity roller transfer for standard ends on Span Tech Conveyors. It is available in 3-roller or 6- roller versions. The 6-roller transfer is typically used in standard conveyor end to standard conveyor end transfers. The 3-roller transfer is typically used at a standard conveyor end that transfers to a low profile end to make a shorter overall gravity zone. The transfers are designed to pop-out in event of a jam, making them very safe.

Below are part numbering examples for 7.31" wide chain:

25mm plain 6-roller: DAGRTS-MU0731-T-6x16.8-P-PP

25mm plain 3-roller: DAGRTS-MU0731-T-3x16.8-P-PP

25mm raised 6-roller: DAGRTS-MU0731-T-6x16.8-R-PP

50mm plain 6-roller: DAGRTS-MA0731-T-6x16.8-P-PP

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